What we do

We install safe, convenient, accessible Water ATMs

More than 2 billion people globally do not have access to safe water, and India ranks 120th out of 122 countries for access to safe water, resulting in suffering, disease, infant mortality, stunted growth and economic loss, effecting underserved areas most especially.

Water ATMs with Waterlife

Our partner, Waterlife, establishes water stations which provide safe water to the community and other neighboring areas of the plant location. The station provides high quality clean water at a price affordable to all.

5000 systems

The company has installed close to 5000 Water ATMs throughout India.

15 States

They've installed these systems across 15 different states, alleviating the burden of fetching contaminated water elsewhere.

15 Million people

Close to 15 million people have been continually served by Waterlife's Water ATM systems.

1 Large Water ATM

A 10-stage water treatment protocol that includes pre-treatment, UV, UF, RO, as well as last-mile ionization keeps water and fresh until use.


One Large Water ATM costs around $27,000 including GST. Customized to provide different dispensing quantities, this will provide both chilled and ambient water at only pennies per gallon.


2000 families or 10,000 people are served by just one large Water ATM. These families save 1700 INR/month for medical expenses, work days/year in lost wages.

1 Small Water ATM

In smaller villages or hamlets, we offer smaller solutions that still provide a massive benefit to those affected by a lack of access to clean water.


At half the cost of a large Water ATM, this smaller model costs around $14,000 including GST. 


1,000 families or roughly 5,000 people are provided with safe, clean, affordable drinking water using sustainable, green technology.

What we care for

Putting an end to over 1600 child deaths every year due to waterborne illness

By building adoption and outreach programs in schools surrounding the importance of clean drinking water, we can drive awareness of the issue and end needless disease throughout the region.  Key findings from an IRMA independent study found a reduction in water borne diseases of 60% and a 57% reduction in doctor visits in areas with Waterlife plants.

A new future for women and children in India

By removing the burden on women and children to fetch water from distant locales that is often contaminated, we can provide a much improved lifestyle and socio-economic situation for those in need. In areas with Waterlife plants, up to 3 days of labor per month were saved, as well as dropping school absenteeism due to waterborne illness from 3 days a month to none.

See where we're building Water ATMs!